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To begin a new application, choose a job from the available listings below. After your information is complete, you will receive a confirmation number, and your information will be saved allowing you to return at any time to submit additional applications.

Please be sure and remember your username and password for use on future applications. If you have questions regarding the application system, please contact TalentEd support at 1-855-955-0946; select option 2 - Applicant Tracking; select 1 for Recruit and Hire; select option 1 for applicants.

All clerical testing has been suspended for KAEOP applicants. Level testing will now only be done after the initial interviews for the finalists only. This means all applicants will be screened for interviews without passing the clerical testing for the position. Once interviewed, if you are a finalist, you will be required to pass the clerical test for the position you are being considered for.

All KAP applicants are required to show proof of 72 college level credits, an AA degree (or higher), or passed the Para Professional Assessment. If an applicant is in need of testing, they can still apply, and if they are the finalist candidate they will need to pass the Para Professional before being hired into the role.

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